Monday 14 November 2011

Sheep Whisperer

I was absolutely astonished to see the incredible skills on display in last nights 'One Man And His Dog'. Like me, you probably thought that country folk were all a bunch of simpletons, who are only interested in dry stone walling, death and sheep dip but you'd be wrong. The 'One Man' in question, had trained his flock of sheep to go exactly where he wanted them to by the use of a series of shouts and whistles. I can only imagine the level of control that this beautiful farmer could have exerted over his livestock had it not been for the interference of his unruly dog(confusingly called 'Shep') which continually ran rings round the once obedient sheep, seemingly terrifying them into open rebellion. My advice: Push Shep off that cliff Mr. Barleymow, nobody will ever know. Nobody will ever know.

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