Thursday 19 January 2012

Michael Portillo Caught In Waterloo Portaloo

 Poetry fans were delighted today when Michael Portillo was caught in a Waterloo Portaloo while filming his novelty smash hit BBC2 show 'Great British Railway Journeys'. 'I haven't been this excited since Bill Oddie and Showaddywaddy found Noddy's body' squarked poetry sexpert Roger McGough(who's name does not rhyme).
 'Edward Woodward(who's name rhymes with itself an incredible three times) may be impressed by this sort of thing, but Emma Freud and I are considerably less enthusiastic' claimed Gary Glitter.
 Forest Gump, Walter Mitty, Douglas Hurd, Ertha Kitt and James Blunt all quite rightly refused to take part in this incredibly misguided item.