Thursday 26 January 2012

Have You Any Idea What A Terribly Grubby Little Man David Cameron Really Is?

 Hurrah! My new job as a dangerously amoral government scientist has got off to a flying start! I started work on my invisibility cloak idea first thing this morning and now it's ready to go! David Cameron is sure to be delighted with my work, which he intends to use to sneak in to the boys showers at Eton. It really is very touching that the PM misses his school days so much that he feels the need to take this stroll down memory lane, and the fact that he has asked me to create an invisibility device so that the boys of Eton College are not alarmed by his presence shows just what a caring man he really is(although what he intends to do with the box of invisible hankies which he also asked be to invent, I have no idea). I think that DC may even be planning to give one of my invisibility cloaks to his lovely wife Samantha as a surprise birthday present, as he has specifically asked me not to mention anything about it to her.
 Anyway, I really must go and give the PM the good news. Now, where did I put the cloak.............I know it was here somewhere............has anybody seen my invisible cloak? ..........anybody? I'm sure I left it on the........
Oh dear. My futuro-predictotron really should have seen this coming.

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