Monday 13 February 2012

Time Team Set To Outlast Time Itself

 Archaeology news GO! Archaeologists have unearthed what they believe may be the remains of Anne Robinson's original face while filming an episode of Time Team. "Due to a pointless arbitrary time limit which the producers mistakenly believe will make archaeology seem exciting, we only had permission to excavate Anne's face for three days" coughed Baldrick "Our experts don't half talk some shite, however, I quickly got the (archaeolo)gist of what they were saying and translated it for Channel Four's notoriously stupid viewers. The exciting news is that we now believe Anne Robinson's face to be palaeolithic NOT neolithic OR terrific although may still be soporific and it is definitely still horrific".
 Baldrick went on to reveal his cunning plan for the next series "We at Time Team feel threatened by the rise of The BBC's new super-weapon Professor Brian Cox and his  attempts to see further back in time than we have ever managed. So next year we are going to attempt to excavate our way right back to the big-bang. If the Higgs Boson is out there, then we are going to find it with our funny little trowels".
 Here's to you Tony Robinson. Jesus loves you more than you will know.

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