Friday 13 April 2012

Randy Rockets

As this recently released photograph clearly illustrates, the real reason that NASA had The Space Shuttle taken out and shot is that it would frequently try to hump any aeroplane that came anywhere near it. It is ironic that the 'Shuttle' was a much randier space-craft than many of the giant phallic cock-o-rockets that it replaced.
At one point, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory had to keep a team of fireman on the runway at all times, ready to go and throw a bucket of cold water over the randy  re-entry vehicle every time it got out of line. The total sex drive NASA built into a the Saturn 5 rockets used to put men on the moon for example, is almost exactly the same as one would find in a modern giant panda.
To this day, NASA has not offered a satisfactory explanation for the bureaucratic mix up which led to the Saturn 5 rockets never getting anywhere near Saturn, but getting lost and ending up on the moon. Many conspiracy theorists even speculate that this discrepancy may indicate that man never went to the moon at all, and that the so-called moon landings were actually filmed in a TV studio on Saturn.

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